About Us

Angi Bennett

Angi is the owner of Sharpening USA and is the person responsible for sharpening, logistics, and general business. She has a Degree in Business, several Certifications, and is the backbone of this company.

Coy McKenzie

Coy is Angi's Right Hand. He handles everything thrown at him and he keeps this business up and running. Without him, this business would be a tough gig.

Asa Morgan

This Company Mascot keeps things lively as she shows her livestock at many of the events Sharpening USA attends.


When the business first opened in 2016, this was the trailer we used.


In addition to the trailer, we also created a cart that could be taken inside for sharpening services.


As the business grew, we replaced the trailer with one we could both work and show our livestock from.


A sneak peak inside the trailer.


Growing again, we opened a shop to accommodate the expanding services we provide. Our mobile rig is also modified to be better than ever!


We cannot wait to see what happenes next!